Friday, March 16, 2012

Hello Spring!

Aloha to all of you in the bloggie world! I am hoping to be writing more here each day. The hubs is going to help me post pictures. I have so much to share and show you!! A lot has been happening here:

Source: via Stacey on Pinterest

1. I am getting my body back! Four kids in five years plus all of the stress of being a military family -- moving 9 times in almost 10 years of marriage -- is not kind to one's body. So ... I have been going to the gym and watching my caloric intake (thank you to my fabulous trainer Kendra and the awesome iPhone app Lose It!). I have lost about 12 lbs. since the first of the year. I am loving my energy, being able to fit back in to my clothes (although I am not at all to my goal weight), my time at the gym, my small successes and the motivation that I have for other areas in my life to improve. All in all, I desire to live a healthy lifestyle, to take on habits for my LIFETIME. I do not want to yo-yo anymore. The old has gone, the new has come!

2. The hubs and I started Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University classes at a local church. Its SO challenging but so good for us. We have fallen in to bad habits and really desire to be stewards of the resources the Lord has given us. We want to set up a lifestyle of peace in our marriage and we want to teach our children how to have this peace in their lives, even as children.

3. Along with the financial peace, I am also seeking to run my home more sustainably, more frugally and more wholly then I have ever before. Last Friday, our MOPS, group heard two of our own members speak on stewardship in the home through using coupons and through cooking from scratch. Both methods are excellent ways to run a home with less waste, more healthy and more peacefully. We all agree to that living prices are soaring -- so what is our role as wives and makers-of-the-home within this context? That is my desire and my challenge these days.

Tomorrow I will post about the ways I am going about sustainable stewardship in our home. I am excited to share and learn.

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